You to THRIVE in Life.

Knowledge and tools for those who want 
health, freedom and self-love.

STOP struggling with imposter syndrome, self-doubt, 

self-ridicule, and that not-enough feeling. 

Dive into this FREE seven-part series to discover the fundamentals of truly learning to love yourself and who you are. 
All it takes is 15mins a day for 7-days.

Hi I'm Jessica,

I offer tools for building self-awareness and moving out of your own way so that YOU CAN THRIVE!

I've spent the last decade cultivating a systemised approach towards day-to-day life, so the little things don't pile up and you're equipped to handle the big things when they arise. My goal is to help you sit in the drivers seat for the ride of evolving, changing and adapting as a human. 

With over 17 years experience as a hairstylist and 14 years as an Eco Conscious Salon Owner I've become an expert in wellness for the Hair Industry.  I'm passionate about empowering hairstylists to look after their health while growing their income. 

My goal is to help you actualise self-love and THRIVE!

"I have always been the girl that puts all my feelings and self to the side and helps others first. With the guidance and pure love that Jess showed us within our tribe, I was able to find a different view on me and how to make more time for myself and show more love towards myself."

— Belinda


Start Here...with a free Meditation.

My oh my, this free guided meditation will help kick start your day better than a strong coffee. Mornings may not be your fave cuppa tea (chai please). But I guarantee that will change when you take just 10-mins each morning to feel clarity, intention, and connection to that beautiful body of yours.  

Give it a try! Download this free 10-minute morning meditation.


Start your days with intention and fill your cup before you give to anyone else. A guidebook of techniques, tips and tricks to set the right tone each morning and cultivate self-awareness, emotional resilience, internal recognition and deep self-compassion. 

Morning Mojo

A 7-part audio series designed for anyone who feels they have lost their Mojo and confidence in life. This audio series will help shift your perspective to support your overall well-being and start your days with intention. When you implement intentional foundations to start your day, it has a positive flow-on effect on every other part of life.


Deep dive into the Four Shadow Archetypes of The Child, The Prostitute, The Saboteur and The Victim that represent our significant life challenges related to survival, fears and vulnerability. Over 4 weeks learn how to harness your inner selves by exploring and becoming aware of your patterns and build a healthy relationship within. 

"The Back to Roots Masterclass was wonderful. I’ve been looking to connect with others in the industry with a similar vision as I shift into the health & wellness realm and a different approach to my work. This was exactly the boost I needed as I navigate burnout. I’m looking forward to implementing more movement and journaling into my morning ritual. 


Start Here...with a Free Meditation.

Overcome the fatigue that comes from back-to-back clients and being on your feet for 8+ hours a day. Take 20 minutes for yourself with this full-bodied meditation specifically for hairstylists.

Back to Roots

In this 60minute class you'll learn the secret to feeling more energised, creative and passionate about the hair industry - without the burnout or overwhelm. Plus a bonus workbook to guide you through the implementation of what you learn.  


Carve out 20-minutes daily for fourteen days to focus on you. These bite-size transmissions dedicated to educate you on Physical, Mental, Emotional and Energetic well-being. These nuggets of gold will support your health behind the chair and help you to thrive beyond it.


Deep dive into the four pillars of health: Mental, Physical, Emotional and Energetic, Learn how implementing regular rituals and awareness around each of these pillars can change your life behind and beyond the chair in everything from health to wealth. 


Would you like to inspire your audience with practical advice and creative ideas to help them manage stress and avoid burnout? 

Then you should consider hiring me to speak at your next event.

I break down everything you need to know about taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. And introduce you to easy-to-implement tools and techniques that will change the ways in which you approach your career, business and life. 

Educating and inspiring hairstylists to lighten up and create longevity in the hair industry with sustainable systems that encourage wellness in both body and business for corporate events and with salon teams as an interactive and professional presentation.

I have a passion for inspiring teens, to practice self-love, mindset foundations, goal setting, wellness practices and learn how to build confidence from within. Think of it as a flourishing foundation 'outside the lines' of what is taught in the school system. 

"Thank you, Jessica! I didn't know what to expect coming into the session. I really enjoyed talking about making sure we take time to ensure we are fulfilled in work and outside of work. I am going to take time to learn more about what I need to fill my cup when not in the salon. 

— Phoebe Cavanough—Hairstylist at The Mixx, Toowoomba. 18 years in the industry.

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