Back to Roots Masterclass for Hair Stylists who want a better work life balance.

Let me ask you a question…
Are you happy with feeling mentally and physically fatigued at the end of each workday? Are you satisfied with your lack of passion for the hair industry and life?

Have you ever thought to yourself, why can’t I find work-life balance?

Maybe you’ve asked yourself….”Why can’t I feel healthy and energised? Why aren’t I fulfilled with my work? Why can’t I feel appreciated?

What if I told you there's ONE thing, just ONE thing, that can help you to change your current situation?

Imagine this…what if you were able to feel energised every day. What if you suddenly felt mentally, emotionally and physically strong and empowered? What if you could feel social and creative and find equilibrium in your work-life balance?
I’m Jessica Carey. I’m an eco hair stylist, salon owner and well-being coach. I’m passionate about helping salon owners make more money in client services while spending less time in their business and creating a sustainable balance between business and life.

I’ve been a salon owner for 14 years, and hairstylist of 17 years; my salon is open just three days a week exclusively by appointment, I choose my clients, and I NEVER work Saturdays.

It wasn’t always like this….
I ran a busy salon in the heart of town, working 6 days a week, managing staff and constantly burdened by others problems and lack of boundaries.
A couple of years after opening my salon doors, I hit a wall, I was burnt out and was forced to make a change for my personal health and the success of my business.  I had the desire to live a more balanced life; I knew there had to be a better way. 

I began implementing a ritualistic morning routine to strengthen my mind and body. 

I moved to a home salon, increased my revenue streams, renewed my passion for the industry and HAVEN'T WORKED A Saturday in 8 years. 
Just like your scalp is important for your hair health, the foundation and the start of your day are essential for the health of your body and mind as a hairdresser.

So let me ask you…does that sound like something you’d want to start to take action on?

Are you ready to invest in YOU and carve out time each morning to support yourself mentally, emotionally, physically and energetically to be the best version of yourself?

And now you know what to do...I'm going to show you exactly how to do it. 

I’m going to teach you how to set a personalised morning routine that protects your energy and helps you to each day. I will show you exactly how to start your day to set yourself up for health and success. 

I’m excited to introduce to you my BRAND NEW online class. 
At the end of my Masterclass, you will have the tools and know how to stop running on empty and give from your overflow. Bring a little texture to your mornings and support your overall well-being. You will go from burnt out to thriving. 

Here is your opportunity to find your creativity and passion for work and life again. 

If this sounds like something you NEED, it’s time to STOP being afraid of actually feeling good about yourself. Take the time to invest in yourself, Value yourself and put in the work to live the life you want.
"The Back to Roots Masterclass was wonderful. I’ve been looking to connect with others in the industry with a similar vision as I shift into the health & wellness realm and a different approach to my work. This was exactly the boost I needed as I navigate burnout. I’m looking forward to implementing more movement and journaling into my morning ritual. 

The Back to Roots ebook is filled with so many goodies for hairdressers prone to burnout. She introduces you to an extensive list of daily rituals to improve your lifestyle; you have the freedom to choose what works for you with helpful advice on how to implement these rituals into your life".

— isabella Barone

Create the work-life balance you dream of!

Back to Roots Masterclass for just $97

When you enrol in Back to Roots Masterclass here is what you have to look forward to...

  • Learn the importance of setting up each day with the right foundations to fill your cup before interacting with anyone. 
  • Learn how to take time for yourself and bring clarity and peace to your day. 
  • Explore 20-morning habits with guided steps to promote self-love and vibrant energy. 
  • Learn recipes you can use to fuel and nourish your body every morning.
  • Walk away with a practical tool kit you can implement immediately so that you can strengthen the foundations for your own growth.  

The modules I will teach...


Change the way you look at mornings. Learn how to take time for yourself and bring clarity and peace to your day. When you take time to fill your cup before you begin your day, you’ll be in a place to handle anything life throws at you with minimal stress and tension and have an energy surplus to give to those that need you.


Explore 20 morning habits with guided steps and tips. Gradually add them to your morning routine one at a time. Some you will love and make an integral part of your day, others won’t be for you and you can simply move on and try something else.


Get the blood flowing and wake up your body each morning with six gentle morning yoga moves. Do these at your own pace and in a way that feels good to you. Listen to your body, it will tell you when you need to sit longer and go deeper in a pose or if you need to take it easy. If yoga isn’t for you, try a wealth walk.


Try my 5 favourite morning recipes to nourish your body and tantalise your tastebuds using wholesome ingredients. Make the recipes your own, if you don’t like an ingredient, simply leave it out or swap it for something else you love. 


I invite you to challenge yourself to thirty mindful mornings of practicing self-love. Use the tips and techniques I share with you to cultivate a morning routine that is dedicated to self love and celebration of self. This is for you and only you. If you miss a day, give yourself grace, reset and just pick up where you left off the next day.


You will receive a 65 page ebook full of practical tools to find what tickles your funny bone and makes your soul sing and heart swell. Then you can follow the breadcrumbs on the subjects that light a fire in you and keep moving on your journey of self awareness. 

Wondering if this is for you?

If you can relate to any of the below, then YES, the Back to Roots Masterclass is for you!

  • You lack creativity and passion for the hair industry.
  • You struggle to find a balance between work and personal life. 
  • You feel overwhelmed and stressed most of the time. 
  • You're emotionally spent after listening to others emotions. 
  • You feel fatigued and mentally burdened.
  • You want life to change but you don’t know where to start. 
  • You feel like you’re always running on empty.
  • Your weeks are monotonous and mundane with no magic.
  • You feel like your job owns you.

Are you ready to reclaim your passion & creativity?

Join my Back to Roots Masterclass for just $97

I attended Jessica’s ‘Back To Roots Masterclass’ on zoom, it was so lovely to connect with like minded individuals in the industry. It has inspired me massively to be more conscious in my mornings and during my work days. This approach is much needed in an industry that for many years has ran on high levels of caffeine, no lunch breaks, working overtime, underpaid, extreme burnout, giving yourself to others, taking on other peoples problems not to mention the injuries to your body. After this meeting I have implemented practices that make my days flow so much better and notice the days of feeling exhausted when I don’t practice now. I recommend this to any hairdresser, it’s so necessary in this industry. Thank you again Jessica, love your work 🙏🏽

— Lucy Thorpe: Hair + Love by Lucy in Port Douglas Hinterland

frequently asked questions

Where can I access my course?
Once purchased you will receive an email with instructions on how to set up a password and log in to my Arise Academy, where you will be able to access these courses and any other courses your purchase.
How long do I have access?
Once you make a purchase, you have unlimited access to that course. You can rewatch lessons or redo the course as many times as you like. You also have access to any updates made to that course.
Who will benefit from these courses?
Courses in Arise Academy are designed to help anyone who wants to break free from feeling trapped in their own life. The classes are for those who are feeling stuck or trapped and want to learn how to gain control of their life and thrive.
How much time do I need to complete the course?
All of the courses can be self-paced, where you can work through the lessons and content in your own time. However, some have a guided timeline to help you get the most out of the course. If a course is on a guided timeline, you will receive prompting emails to encourage you when to watch the next lesson.