2017 your magic has already left me in awe. Your creativity, clarity & vision feels aligned. 12 days ago I achieved a milestone, a leap of faith, a dream one might say. I AM a Doterra Silver Leader.. & it's taken me 12 days to process the emotions that have been flowing through my body.
 I felt the energy shift almost instantly. I could feel myself strengthen & soften simultaneously. Part of me was feeling joy, happiness & love & wanted to celebrate. The other part felt like I shouldn't celebrate, that it wasn't a big deal & to hide in the shadows.
 But today on the first beautiful full moon of 2017 I hear the whispers come through 'CELEBRATE YOU.' Shine your luminous light so bright that it creates fire in the dark.. Become the fire.
 Today I fully step into leading from an authentic, truthful, real space & receive the love, joy & abundance living aligned with my heart brings to my moments.
 You must identify what brings you alive. Fully own what you are here to fulfil. Connect to your wise woman medicine. Create a delicate dance of surrender & trust & do that in every single moment.
 My tribe of real, kind, authentic men & women who love hard, connect deeply & lead to empower. Grateful, grateful, grateful for your presence. Couldn't have done this without your love & support.
 Alignment manifests. The universe loves authenticity & every next level of your life will manifest a different version of you. Your revolution is waiting in the deepest parts of you.. & mines heart centered.
 My beautiful friend Lauren @loz_kre8 I love the way you captured my emotion. Thank you or being you! #heartcenteredrevolution

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