This picture was taken on one of my favourite days on Kauai. Emily and I set our alarm for 4.30am to throw on our clothes and hike 'The Sleeping Giant' at sunrise. We put on our hiking boots and started walking to the base of the mountain (which seemed a lot closer when we had hitchhiked the day before) We finally got to the base and we started climbing. At daybreak, finding our way up one step at a time.
 Getting to the top of a mountain has always been one of my favourite moments. I always feel grounded amongst nature yet so connected to the universe and heavens above.
The way up the mountain was a challenge. Emily was in a lot of pain and discomfort and I needed to support, encourage and love her on the way up. I took a deep breath and embraced the fact that we weren't going to make the top by sunrise. The journey was so magical and I honour the process so much and what it taught me. 

We stopped at different points, ate snacks, connected, laughed and watched in awe the sunrise over the gorgeous Kauai. It couldn't have been any more perfect. It taught me that the challenges and lows of our journey were to be embodied just as much as the strength I felt reaching the top. Just as Emily's strength was shining the whole way.
Lows are a massive part of life that many feel talking about makes them weak and vulnerable. My recent car accident has been challenging to move through. On one hand, I am staying positive and I am so grateful for the outcome. But you know what it freaking hurts. The pain is so traumatic and the shock is so real. It comes in waves and you never quite know when it's going to come back. I've cried myself to sleep, I've held back tears in front of clients and I've been so angry and frustrated. I am feeling and surrendering to every single bit of the pain now so I can release it from my body to heal and move forward.
My message to share with you today is whatever you are going through on your journey, be gentle with yourself.. and know it soon will pass. We all feel so much and many suppress their emotions to avoid dealing with the pain. But you know what it's called being human we are meant to feel! Continued in comments...

Everyone deals with it in different ways. Some release on social media, some write, some have an amazing support system, some exercise, some hide it away but for me... I stay strong and positive in front of others but cry and release behind closed doors so very few see my pain. But today I share this to show you that even the people you see with the biggest smiles can have eyes full of tears.
For anyone going through any kind of pain, hurt or heartache right now. The journey is the joy, embrace the struggles, embody the lows and know you're not alone. That everyone deals with theirs in the best way they know at the time... the way they think is strong.
Your true strength is found in the lows of your journey if you open your heart to embrace it. Being raw and vulnerable is true strength!

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