How to feel YOUR feelings, masterfully.

Do you remember getting growing pains as a kid? When your body was growing into a future version of yourself.

I know to be true that we constantly shed skins in this life. Skins of our own seasons, cycles, relationships, identities, and stories.

The body reveals to us where we are holding stuckness, where we are rigid and need to be released.

It's why I believe keeping the physical body functionally optimally is key.

Growth is uncomfortable. It always will be.
Hiding from it only deepens the wounds.
Holding it invites in movement.

Simple practices that support a thriving life in times of uncertainty, moments that are uncomfortable, and ways to hold yourself with unwavering safety when the big emotions hit is my sweet spot.


• What are you currently struggling with?
• Where is it showing up in the body?
• What is the sensation and feeling?
• Be with it, let it come up.

Freeing the emotional body so you can get tapped in to transmute energy, tuned into your own energy field, and get turned on to your own life.

Because you can only meet the future person you desire to be as deeply as you've met yourself. 

If you wish to deepen your connection to self, ALCHEMY Membership is going to be FIRE in 2024.

We would love to have you join us.

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